Mikolai, J., Berrington, A., & Perelli-Harris, B. (2018). The role of education in the
intersection of partnership transitions and motherhood in Europe and the United States.
Demographic Research, 39, 753-794. https://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2018.39.27

Varasemad uuringud on näidanud, et kooseluseis esimese lapse sünni ajal on seotud
haridustasemega nii Euroopas kui ka Ameerika Ühendriikides. Enamik uuringuid on näidanud, et
vabaabielus sündinud esimeste laste puhul on hariduslik gradient negatiivne (vabaabielusünnid on
sagedasemad vähem haritutel). Kuid esimese lapse saamise tee erinevates kooselutüüpides võib olla
nüansirohke ja varieeruda riigiti. Autorid uurivad, kas hariduslikud erinevused esimese lapse sünni
ajal, tekivad seoses kooselu alustamisega, kooselu abieluks muutmisega või seoses esimese lapse
sünniga. Kasutades Harmoniseeritud Elulugude andmeid ja mitmestaatuslikke mudeleid, uurisid
autorid, millised on hariduslikud erinevused pereloomise viisides aastatel 1950–1969 sündinud
naistel 16 Euroopa riigis ja Ameerika Ühendriikides. Autorid toovad esile kolm peamist järeldust.
Esiteks on kooselu alustamise haridusgradient riigiti erinev. Teiseks, olenemata kooselu alustamise
hariduslikust gradiendist, on kooselu alustanud naiste esimese lapse sünnil haridusgradient
negatiivne kõigis riikides. Kolmandaks, üleminek kooselust abielusse on kõigis riikides positiivse
haridusliku gradientiga. Euroopas ja Ameerika Ühendriikides on hariduserinevused kõige
süstemaatilisemad kooselust abieluks muutmisel ja esimese lapse sünnil pärast kooselu algust.
Kooselu alustamise seos haridusega on vähem range, selged hariduserinevused ilmnevad laste
saamisel. Majanduslikult vähekindlustatud naised on vähema tõenäosusega abielus enne lapse
sündi, samas kui kõrgelt haritud naised abielluvad sagedamini enne laste saamist.

Previous research has shown that partnership status at first birth is associated with education across
Europe and the United States. Most research has indicated that first births within cohabitation have
a negative educational gradient. However, the pathway to a first birth in different partnership types
can be complex and may vary across countries. We study whether any educational differences
observed at the time of a first birth are produced upon entrance into cohabitation, during the
transition from cohabitation to marriage, or during the transition to first birth. Using data from the
Harmonized Histories we estimate multi-state event history models to examine how educational
differences in patterns of early family formation emerge among women born between 1950 and
1969 in 16 European countries and the United States. The results highlight three main findings.
First, the educational gradient of entry into cohabitation is inconsistent across countries. Second,
regardless of the educational gradient of entry into cohabitation, the transition to a first birth among
cohabiting women has a consistent negative educational gradient across countries. Last, the
transition from cohabitation to marriage has a consistent positive educational gradient across
countries. Across Europe and the United States, educational differences matter the most during the
transition from cohabitation to marriage and the transition to first birth once women are in a
cohabiting union. Entrance into cohabitation is common, but key educational distinctions emerge
upon childbearing. Disadvantaged women are less likely to marry before having a baby, while
highly educated women marry before childbearing.

Mureşan, C. (2018). Mutual influences between motherhood and educational attainment in
selected eastern European countries. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Sociologia, 63(1), 73-
97. https://doi.org/10.2478/subbs-2018-0005

Naised veedavad üha pikema aja oma elust õppides. Oluline küsimus selles seoses on, kuidas
ühildada emadust pikalt kestva investeerimisega iseenda inimkapitali. Samuti on küsimus, millist
rolli mängib sotsiaalmajanduslik kontekst õpingute ja pereelu tasakaalu leidmisel. Käesoleva
analüüsi lähtekohaks on teadmine, et esimese lapse sünniga lõppeb tavaliselt formaalne haridustee,
ja vastupidi, formaalse haridustee lõpetamisele järgneb sageli esimese lapse saamine. Töös on
kasutatud kahevõrrandilist sündimusloolist mudelit, mis võimaldab kontrollida ka varjatuid
tegureid. Võrreldes varasemate uuringutega, on antud töös käsitletud Ida-Euroopa riike, mida pole
seni piisavalt uuritud. Analüüsi on lisaks kaasatud ka kaks Lääne-Euroopa riiki. Tulemused
näitavad, et hoolimata soovist luua tingimused emaduse ja pika haridustee ühitamiseks, ei ole see
sageli õnnestunud. Analüüs näitab, et õpingud koos pere loomise ja laste saamisega on muutunud
pärats 1990. aastate ühiskonnamuutust oluliselt harvemaks.

Women are spending an ever longer part of their lives enrolled in education programs. A crucial
question in this context is how motherhood can be reconciled and correlated with continued
investment in human capital. A related question concerns the role the socioeconomic context plays
in the education/ family life balance. In the present study we account for the finding that a
pregnancy resulting in a first birth usually triggers the termination of formal education, and,
conversely, that the completion of education is often followed by a first birth. We use a
simultaneous-hazard two-equation model, controlling for common potential but unobserved
determinants. Relative to work already done on these matters, our study extends previous
investigations to Eastern European countries which have not been adequately researched so far. To
strengthen comparison, we have additionally included two Western European countries. This
allowed us to assess the importance of political context. The results show that despite efforts to
offer women the possibility of choosing both motherhood and being enrolled in education, the
educational policies which were introduced in some Eastern European countries after the fall of
communist political regimes could not counteract the negative effects of the transition to a market
economy. In these formerly communist countries, the continuation of studies in parallel with
childbearing and family formation has become more difficult.

Puur, A., Rahnu, L., Sakkeus, L., Klesment, M., & Abuladze, L. (2018). The formation of
ethnically mixed partnerships in Estonia: A stalling trend from a two-sided perspective.
Demographic Research, 38, 1111-1154. https://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.38

Segakooselude sõlmimist peetakse sisserändajate ja nende järeltulijate lõimumise oluliseks
tõestuseks. Kirjanduses on leitud, et sisserändajate põlvkondade vahel segakooselude
esinemissagedus enamasti kasvab. Käesolev töö analüüsib eestlaste ja teiste rahvuste vaheliste
koooselude kujunemist Eestis, pöörates erilist tähelepanu variatsioonidele, mis on seotud
migrandipõlvkonnale ja sisserännanute kokkupuutele põlisrahvastikuga. Uurimus kasutab Eesti
pere- ja sündimusuuringu kahe vooru andmeid ning proportsionaalsete riskide mudeleid. Teise
põlvkonna migrantide osas näitavad tulemused segakooselude esinemissageduse kasvu pidurdumist.
Autorid seletavad seda kontekstitegurite mõjuga (sisserännanute suur osakaal rahvastikus, nende
koondumine kindlatesse piirkondadesse, keele põhjal segregeeritud koolisüsteem jms). Tulemused
toovad esile eesti keele varajase omandamise olulisuse segakooselu sõlmimise eeldusena. Eesti
kohta saadud tulemused kinnitavad arusaama, et sisserännanute lõimumine segakooselude kaudu on
pikaajaline protsess, mis kestab mitmeid põlvkondi. Autorid rõhutavad kontekstuaalsete tegurite
olulisust segakooselude moodusrtumisel nii vähemuste kui ka enamusrühmade jaoks.

Ethnically mixed partnerships are often regarded as the ultimate evidence of the integration of
migrants and their descendants into their host society. A common finding in the literature is an
increase in the occurrence of mixed partnerships across migrant generations. This study investigates
the formation of minority–majority partnerships in Estonia, with special attention to the variation
associated with the migrants’ generation and their exposure to the majority population. The study
uses pooled data from the Estonian Family and Fertility Survey (FFS) and the Estonian Generations
and Gender Survey (GGS), and estimates proportional hazards models. The experience of second-
generation migrants indicates a stalling trend in the incidence of mixed partnerships between the
majority population and migrant groups, which is rooted in contextual features. Apart from
residential proximity, the study shows the salience of early acquisition of the host society language.
Our results for the majority population highlight the role of international migration, which exposes
host populations to mixed partnership formation. The results lend support to the view that the
integration of migrant populations through mixed partnering is a lengthy process that stretches
across several generations. A linguistically divided school system and residential segregation
contribute to the pillarization of society. By focussing on an Eastern European context, the study
contributes to a more comprehensive account of mixed unions in different socioeconomic and
cultural settings. Estonia provides an interesting case as its migrant-origin minorities span several
generations. The study underscores the importance of contextual factors for both the minority and
majority populations.

Puur, A., Vseviov, H., & Abuladze, L. (2018). Fertility intentions and views on gender roles:
Russian women in Estonia from an origin-destination perspective. Comparative Population
Studies, 43, 275-306. https://doi.org/10.12765/CPoS-2019-04

Selles artiklis uuriti Venemaa päritolu naiste sündimuskavatsusi Eestis päritolumaa-sihtkohamaa
vaates. Venemaa päritolu sisserändajaid ja nende järeltulijaid Eestis võrreldakse naistega nende
päritolu- ja sihtriikides, et tuvastada esimese, teise ja kolmanda lapse saamise kavatsuste sarnasusi
ja erinevusi. Uuring põhineb Eesti ja Venemaa Generations and Gender uuringute andmetel
(2004–2005) ning kasutab logistilise regressiooni mudeleid. Sõltuvad muutujad on naiste kavatsus
saada esmakordselt emaks, saada teine või kolmas laps. Hüpoteesid lähtuvad uue elukohamaaga
kohanemise, kultuuri säilitamise ja rühmaerinevuste mõjust. Lisaks kaasasime mudelitesse ka
suhtumise soorollidesse, kuna see on osutunud oluliseks teguriks laste saamise kavatsuste
kujundamisel, kuid mida on migrantide sündimuse uuringutes väga harva käsitletud. Tulemused
näitasid, et eestivenelased on omandanud uue elukohamaa käitumismustreid kuid säilitavad ka oma
kultuuri järjepidevust. Venemaa päritolu sisserännanute ja nende järeltulijate sündimuskavatsuste
suure sarnasus Venemaa venelaste sündimuskavastustega näitab, etnilise subkultuuri mõju on olnud
tugevam kui vastuvõtva ühiskonna mõju. Seda võib seletada teguritega, mis on aeglustanud
eestivenelaste lõimumist (suur arv, kontsentratsioon kindlatesse piirkondadesse, venekeelne
koolisüsteem jms). Seevastu riigikeele oskus, elamine piirkondades, kus eestlaste osakaal on suur,
ja segakooselu eestlasega soodustasid eestivenelaste sünnnikavatsuste lähenemist eestlaste omadele.
Uurimus näitas ka positiivset seost egalitaarsete soorollihoaikute ja kavatsuste vahel saada rohkem

In this article we investigate fertility intentions of Russian women in Estonia from an origin-
destination perspective. Russian migrants to Estonia and their descendants are compared with
women in the sending and host countries in order to identify similarities and differences in intended
transitions to first, second and third births. The study is based on the Estonian and Russian
Generations and Gender Surveys, which were conducted in 2004/2005, and employs logistic
regression models. The dependent variables are intentions to become a mother, to have a second
child, or to have a third child. The hypotheses for the study are mainly derived from the adaptation,
cultural maintenance, and selection (characteristics) perspectives. We also incorporate attitudes
towards gender roles into the models, which have proven to be a salient factor in shaping
childbearing intentions, but have seldom been considered in studies of migrant fertility. Our results
lend support to both the adaptation and cultural maintenance perspectives. In accord with the latter,
the similarity between the childbearing intentions of Russian migrants and their descendants in
Estonia and those of their counterparts in Russia suggests that socialisation to the ethnic subculture
has prevailed over the influence of the host society. We attribute this outcome to contextual features
that have retarded integration processes. By contrast, we observe that proficiency in the host
country language, residence in areas where the host population constitutes a large majority and
having a native partner significantly contribute to the adaptation of migrants’ intentions to have
another child to those of the host population. These results provide support to the adaptation
argument. Finally, our study reveals a positive association between egalitarian views on gender
roles and women’s intentions to have another child. However, variation in gender role attitudes
accounts for a relatively minor part of the difference in intended fertility between the groups
addressed in this study.

Zimmermann, O., & Konietzka, D. (2018). Social disparities in destandardization—Changing
family life course patterns in seven European countries. European Sociological Review, 34(1),
64-78. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcx083

Üldise arvamuse kohaselt on inimese elukaar Euroopa ühiskondades muutunud viimastel
aastakümnetel vähem standardiseerituks. Keskendudes pereelu valdkonnale, uurib artikkel, mil
määral erinevad destandardiseerimise mustrid haridustaseme alusel seitsmes Euroopa riigis.
Kasutades Generations and Gender uuringu (GGS) ning National Educational Panel uuringu
(NEPS) andmeid (n = 70 228 vastajat), täiendab artikkel metodoloogilist uurimistööd
destandardiseerimise teemal, rakendades nii elukaare erinevuse analüüse, mis keskenduvad
sündmuste "ajastamisele" kui ka analüüse, mis puudutavad sündmuste "järjekorda". Kuigi Euroopa
riigid erinevad märkimisväärselt valitsevate elukaare mustrite osas noore täiskasvanu eas, mäiatavd
tulemused, et elukäigu destandardiseerumine on rohkem väljendunud madalama haridustasemega
rühmades kui kõrgemalt haritud inimeste seas.

It is generally assumed that life courses in European societies have become less orderly and more
destandardized in recent decades. Focusing on the family sphere, the article examines to what
degree patterns of destandardization are stratified by educational attainment across seven European
countries. Using data from the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) and the National Educational
Panel Survey (NEPS) (n = 70,228 respondents), the article adds to the methodological discussion of
destandardization by implementing both abstract analyses of life course dissimilarity, which focus
on the ‘timing’ of events; and specific analyses of common episode orders, which relate to the
‘order’ of events. While European countries differ considerably with respect to dominant life course
patterns in early adulthood, a consistent finding is that destandardization is more pronounced among
individuals with lower than with higher levels of education.